Peggy Sage - Exfoliating Hand Cream

Publié le par Beauty Addict

- About 9 euros
- 100 ml /  3.3 oz
- Beauty institutes / Beauty Pro Stores

I bought this product maybe 2 years ago. I didn't know that handscrub existed, I exfoliated my hand at the same time that I exfoliate my body or my face!

But I was curious, and I decided to try it. The brand is very known by people who work in Beauty. So I knew it was a good quality product.

The product doesn't have a strong smell.  For me, it smells like flowers or something very fresh. The texture is almost the same as a exfoliant other product. This is a kind of white cream, which looks like a little bit of vaseline, but less oily. There are little white marbles in it.

The sensation on your hand is really amazing I think, it is different from other scrubs, it's very soft (it has glycerin in it, a moisturizing component). You apply it on dry skin. Your gently rub your hands and you rinse it.
It makes your hands feels so soft, not dry at all.
I really recommend it.

The best, is to use it just before using the hand mask .

I recognize that it is not indispensable, but I really adore it, and I'll buy it until it will be discontinued.

Previous step: - Wash my hands

Step forward: - Apply the Hand Mask

Publié dans Hands products

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